The importance of constantly filling our lives
with good energies!

We know that everything is controlled by tiny energies that rush around our body to keep the body in top shape.

Energies that give life and make our heart pump life around our body.

When we bump our toe against a piece of furniture in the dark and register a place, we should have avoided.

A lot of small currents that give us a complete navigation system that tells a lot.

Sends good feelings around our body to tell us that we are happy - so happy.

No one doubts that they feel happy - when they are in love - loved. No one is happier than people who experience a child in their life

Energies that affect our lives in many ways.

But the same energies can also tell us when we experience strain.

The loss of a job, a partner, a child, or just something as banal as having a person in your circle of friends who drains us of the surplus we want to have and which we want to keep.

All these energy experiences are stored in our consciousness.

What we would popularly call the "backpack"

It is in this "Backpack" that we put all the things that we experience. The positive experiences are usually not stored away so that we can retrieve them quickly.

But you can practice to get better at that.

On the other hand, the negatives are stored in a "backpack" close to the opening, so it is easy to retrieve.

Maybe because we have to be careful to avoid them without proof. But this behavior becomes very important in relation to my behavior, my body, my life.

All these positive/negative experiences and emotions, tensions/electric currents settle somewhere in the body, often as tensions in muscles and joints, typically in the shoulders, back, stomach, knees and elbows.

But these negative energies can be a call from a person who wants nothing more than to sucking energy into himself, complaining, bringing his negative energies directly into your life.

Which in this way drains you of energy.

On the other positive side, we also experience that positive experiences affect our whole body, e.g. love, joy, sunshine, nature experiences, beautiful things, etc.

A trip to the beach, an ice cream, a hug from someone we like to be with, someone giving person etc.

It can become a nice sport to find good energies in even the smallest things. The lark trills in the sky, a child's smile, laughter or looking into another person's eyes when they talk about their experiences, dreams or the like.

These experiences send out currents of energy and electrical charges throughout all parts of our body.

We can feel this impact several hours after, yes, maybe several days after it is felt incredibly wonderful So if we had to choose we would definitely choose to be constantly influenced by positive energies.

But we live a life that must be full of experiences, lessons, so it will be a mixed experience.

But we ourselves can do a lot to be aware of what is in our thoughts, in our everyday life, in our lives.

Through conscious choices, we get a much better life, the life that I want and dream of.

So pay attention to what you experience and how you respond to the emotions.

We can consciously influence these negative and positive energies ourselves, by paying attention every time we experience them.

Become more aware by registering the energies by making your own energy notes.

So in my life I have a note on which I record all the important positive energies.

It makes me aware of what fills me up and gives me energy for my journey I then put the things on the note into my calendar every day, and in this way I consciously make sure to fill my system with a lot of energy.

Then there is the note with the burdensome energies.

It must be used to change what I experience in my everyday life I can try to change what I experience otherwise I have to accept that it is just the way it is.

But if I still have to participate in these situations, I need to protect myself so I don't get drained.

Or if I can get rid of the burdensome experiences, I will.

Saying goodbye to this person or situation that is no longer good for me

You can protect yourself in many ways.

The easiest for me is to imagine that I have a sack lying in front of me and that I step into and then lift over my head and close it.

This way, I can get protection all around me.

You can also use a pyramid that you "get into"

My intention is simply to make you aware of what experiences you have in your life and how they affect you in your everyday life, in your life.

But you choose which energies you want to use and which you let go!

Feelings that make me happy and excited.

How I consciously help myself to collect good and bright energies in my body.

I will write them down and be aware every time I come across them so that I can repeat them later.

Keep adding new things to the list, so if what you're doing no longer works, you'll have more on the list.

When I consciously infuse my body with bright and positive energies, I become a brighter and more positive person.

First for the benefit of myself, and later for the benefit of others. When I present myself as a loving, friendly and happy person, other people are also influenced to be more bright and friendly.

- A trip to the beach, the forest or the park.

- Eat ice cream.

- Call a person I particularly enjoy talking to.

- Go on holiday.

- Go to the cinema.

- Visit Aunt Birthe. (The one you enjoy being with)

Make your own list and do more things that give you good energy in your everyday life.

Feelings that weigh me down or prevent me from feeling happy.

How do I help myself to get rid of these heavy, negative energies that bind in my body?

I will write them down or try to describe them every time I come across these energies.

Once I am aware of them, it is easier to deal with them or get rid of them.

If there are things that I can't directly do anything about, I will try to think positively about them, or just accept them as they are and let them go, or try not to let them affect my life.

- A colleague who is negative.

- The neighbor who complains incessantly.

- The boss who must always be right.

- The aunt who only calls to get rid of negative experiences and steals your energy

- A child who is constantly dissatisfied.