Relate to your childhood education
Try for a period of time to review the daily thoughts and arguments you use in your everyday life.
Be aware of what you say and which attitudes you use in relation to yourself and others As a rule, the "Backpack" contains a lot of opinions and attitudes that we simply pick up on The "backpack" and perhaps use uncritically.
- "People from Africa are not as intelligent as people from the Western world and are usually underdeveloped"
- "People who have a higher education are better people."
- "The priest is a person who has a direct line to God."
- "Only some special people are spiritual"
Or what we've been told.
Postulates that need not be true or contain facts at all.
Without really thinking about them, they enter our consciousness.
- Review your childhood and relate to what you have learned and what you got on the journey.
Remember that what we learn at the age of 0 - 7/9 years will be our basic lessons later in life.
If we then at the same time remember that in the same period our experience and discernment are not particularly good for places.
Our mind and soul are just like a wet and soft clay plate, which only imprints on themselves what we are told.
This means that at this point we take over other people's opinions and attitudes completely without relating to what we are told.
I call it programming It is just the opinions and attitudes of others that they have given us along the journey.
Something that they thought we needed in order for us to have a really good trip But many of the things they gave us - they hadn't even dealt with themselves - but just got them other well-meaning people in their childhood.
When, over a period of time, you relate to many of the things that you have in your "backpack" in this way, it is also something that you need - something that you yourself have chosen or experienced/experienced In this way, our collective basic knowledge is inherited, without being brought into the light and revised.
In principle, it can be many 100 years old Many of the things I had with me in my "Backpack" needed a very thorough overhaul But it is exciting to go through the content and relate to it.
In this way, the contents in the "Backpack" will be exactly what I have chosen myself.
If I then pass it on to my children - then our collective learning changes into something we can use - both individually and in relation to others.
In the future, I will work on proven thinking in relation to myself and what I stand for!
- That all people are lovely.
- That I must look for the facts in a case - before I make a general statement.
- That there is always an alternative - to this behavior and learning