The emotions are hidden here
– The diaphragm: Fear of not being able to perform or that you have taken on the role of the one who always has to please others, can be felt as a "hole" in the solar plexus.
– Middle part of the stomach:
Insecurity, nervousness and fear of rejection, external demands and expectations that you cannot/will not meet will often settle here.
– Lower abdomen:
Suppressed old and pent-up anger can get stuck here.
Also deep fear of whether everything will now go well or outright fear of life can be stored in this area.
The stomach is generally easily influenced by all long-term emotional imbalances.
The neck:
Holding the neck can be a sign of excessive self-control or stubbornness.
A stiff neck can lock our perspective and make us only see things from one point of view.
A stiff neck can also mean a lack of determination (perhaps you don't know which way to turn).
Upper back:
The upper part of the back is particularly stressed by the feeling of being unloved and by the feeling that one lacks support in life.
An inability to accept love can also be reflected here.
Middle part of the back: In particular, feelings of guilt and those aspects of oneself that irritate others (one's shadow sides) are manifested here.
Also sides of yourself that you might like to show more of, but hold back can be locked here.
Lower back:
Feelings of uncertainty.
The fear of failure or of losing can cause tension in the lower back.
Demands and expectations of oneself can also cause problems in the lower back.
Tension in general down the spine and especially in the lower back can be a sign that you have challenges around performance, control and management.
Jaw problems may have something to do with holding on too tightly and being afraid to let go or having an excessive need for control.
Maybe you bite the bullet instead of reacting or getting it said.
Suppressed, held back, pent-up anger often settles as tension in the jaws.
Jaw tension can also be related to the ability to "grit your teeth" and fight.
We often clench our teeth when we are stressed.
The neck:
It can create stiffness or tension in the throat if thoughts, feelings and actions are in conflict and if you cannot express what you feel.
A tense neck can also result from a lack of courage to defend oneself or a lack of courage to speak from the heart and clearly express one's opinions and attitudes.
Tension in the shoulders can mean that you take on more than you should, that you have far too much responsibility.
The shoulders can become stiff and tense when you do not express your real needs, when you do something that you really would rather be free of or when the pressure resting on your shoulders simply becomes too heavy to bear.
The shoulders reflect whether you fall short of other people's expectations and put other people's needs before your own.
The shoulders are also connected with our ability to act.
It is from the shoulders that our acting and creative energy flows down through the arms and out into the hands, where it is expressed through what we accomplish in the world and, in general, the way we live our lives.
It is also the shoulders that enable us to reach out our arms for hugs and caresses.
If the shoulders are drawn up around the ears, this indicates that it is a stress-related condition.
If the shoulders are pulled in front of the chest (rounded shoulders) this indicates a need to look after oneself, to hide/not be seen or to protect oneself.
The arms:
The arms represent the ability to embrace relationships and life experiences; both being able to give and receive.
The arms express the active acting energy which moves from the shoulders down through the arms and via the hands into the world.
They manifest our inner desires and longings.
It is also the arms that express the energy that comes from the heart and goes out into the world by touching, caressing and giving hugs.
If the arms are closed over the heart, a protective barrier has been placed between ourselves and others.
The arms can also be used as a kind of weapon; they may attack, deny, reject or repel others.
Stiff, painful, tired or tense arms can thus be a sign of resistance or an attempt to protect oneself, one's integrity or one's personal space.
The elbows are the joint that bends our arms and enables us to open our arms and embrace the world.
At the same time, they can also be sharp "weapons" that we can use to fight our way through life.
The elbows enable us to react energetically and persistently, but they can also express conflict around our actions.
For example, tennis elbow is an inflammation of the joint, which can be a sign that something irritates us or that we are excited about what we are doing.
Problems with the elbow joint can thus be an expression of an inability to change direction in life, accept changed living conditions or simply make room for oneself or others.
All of our adaptability can be reflected in the elbow.
Unresolved grief sits in the chest and feels like a "heavy stone" that blocks free breathing. Narrowing of the chest is a sign that you have not been allowed to "fill out your space". If, for one reason or another, we have been restricted in terms of expressing ourselves, the ribcage may feel stuck as if squeezed by a large hand.
Protruding chest can mean that you have developed an armor to protect the heart, if you e.g. early in life has been deprived of love.
The hips:
The hips reflect our approach to life and the courage to throw ourselves into life.
The fear of making big decisions can also manifest itself as problems and tension in the hips.
This reflects the personal approach to life and whether one dares to stand up or tends to withdraw.
Challenges in relation to sexuality will also often manifest in this area
Tension in the buttocks can be caused by feeling the need to pull yourself together or hold yourself together.
After all, you talk about "squeezing your buttocks together" when you are under pressure and have to give a little extra.
The buttocks relate to the ability to make demands on and push oneself.
The legs:
The legs express how one relates to life; whether you have the courage to change and to take decisive steps in life.
Being able to stand firm and stand on your own two feet is important in life - and problems with this can manifest as problems with legs or knees.
The knees:
Our knees are made to be flexible, to be able to give way, but at the same time they are incredibly strong.
The knees allow us to bend, give in, be humble – flexible knees mean we can contain, feel and express our feelings.
Knee problems can therefore arise if you are stubborn, unyielding or self-righteous.
Overall, the feet reflect how you feel about the place you are heading towards.
An unclear course can be reflected in either very inward or very outward feet, and a fear of what lies ahead can manifest as sore feet or frequent sprains, thus trying to slow down the movement. You can say that the feet reflect whether you are happy and satisfied or whether you are going in a direction you don't like.
The hands:
It is with our hands that we receive and reach out for things, people and experiences we want. And it is similar with the hands we hold or, on the contrary, clench the fists and show reluctance or use them to mark a boundary.
The wrists can be strained if we tend to give too much.